all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 9AA 28 0 51.449151 0.023383
SE12 9AB 33 1 51.44984 0.026749
SE12 9AD 25 1 51.44906 0.028632
SE12 9AE 34 0 51.448964 0.026397
SE12 9AF 32 0 51.448626 0.026727
SE12 9AG 26 0 51.448798 0.028231
SE12 9AH 35 0 51.447862 0.029284
SE12 9AJ 39 1 51.447555 0.029875
SE12 9AL 1 0 51.445698 0.030152
SE12 9AN 22 0 51.444472 0.029795
SE12 9AQ 20 0 51.448014 0.027808
SE12 9AR 13 0 51.441118 0.02356
SE12 9AW 16 1 51.442695 0.02904
SE12 9BD 12 0 51.447035 0.023534
SE12 9BE 45 0 51.44662 0.023112
SE12 9BG 27 0 51.446355 0.021791
SE12 9BH 20 0 51.445842 0.023366
SE12 9BJ 20 0 51.445586 0.022592
SE12 9BL 34 1 51.445933 0.021758
SE12 9BN 27 0 51.44488 0.02233